
saturday bird feedin'

This project is simple, simple, simple, but is fantastic for developing fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination...for big and little people alike. And the repetition is quite meditative. plus, you're recycling materials and communing with nature. Yes!

Cheerios Bird Feeder

2 popsicle sticks

How to:

1) Tie one end of the string around the popsicle stick {we used fancy plastic cocktail stirrers}. Leave about 18" at the end so you can tie to a branch.

2) Start stringing your Cheerios.

3) Once you feel it's long enough {or you've run out of cereal}, tie the other end of the string to the second popsicle stick and Voila!....bird feeder!!

4) Go hang from a tree and watch the squirrels go nuts trying to have at it :)

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